miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015


An expert that I admire:

When I speaking about my career, often I speaking about the attachment theory because I think that this theory is very interesting. This theory was make to John Bowlby and for this reason he is the expert that I admire. Also John Bowlby’s research on attachment and child development left a lasting impression on psychology, education, child care, and parenting, and researchers extended his research to develop clinical treatment techniques and prevention strategies. His work also influenced other eminent psychologists, including his colleague Mary Ainsworth, who also made significant contributions to attachment theory.

Bowlby was a British psychologist, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst. He then studied medicine at University College Hospital, and then psychiatry at Maudsley Hospital. During this time, Bowlby also studied at the British Psychoanalytic Institute and was initially influenced by the work of Melanie Klein. 

He became particularly interested in how separation from caregivers impacted children. After studying the subject for some time, he began to develop his ideas on the importance of attachment on child development. He believed that early childhood attachments played a critical role in the later development and mental functioning and he made the attachment theory. For this reason, He is recognized for his interest in child development and for his pioneering work in attachment theory. 

                             He was born on february, 27th in 1907 and he died on September 2nd in 1990

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015


Part 1

 What’s your carbon footprint?

 What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?
  • The average footprint for people in Chile is 3.87 metric tons

Part 2

1       Hand washing dishes can use up to ___50___ % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
2   Only about ____8_____ % of global energy comes from renewables.
3   True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity. Answer: False
    Can you make paper out of hemp? Yes, I do

Part 3- Video >> Top ten tips for recycling

1.      You should use ecological bag.
2.      You should go until recycling bins
3.      you should disarm the cartons before throwing them into the trash

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Food and Healthy eating

Hello, This day I will write about food and healthy eating:

Generally I eat between four to six meals every days because I am hungry people, but I eat this amount depending of the things that I eat in the day. I eat any kind of food but I prefer the spaghetti over any kind of food, however, I dont eat spaghetti all the time because could be bad for my healthy.

I cook, but I cook only when not there are food in my home because I only know cook spaghetti, so I dont cook every days. However, when I buy food in the supermarket, I always read the nutritional information on the foods, but I have a problem because when I go to restaurant, I dont read the nutritional information. However, I prefer eat at a restaurant because the food is good and also at the restaurant there are food that I dont cook. The problem is that the food at restorant is expensive. For this reason I dont go often to restaurant.

Finally, if I were on death row, I believe that I could request my favourite food, a spaghetti and also I could request a pizza because both are my favourite foods.


miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015


Hello guys, I writed my opinion about abortion for you.

I believe that the abortion is a topic very complicated for speak but it is necessary for the coexistence between persons.

I consider that my posture is related with the point of view pro-choice because I believe that each women should decide when give birth your baby. For this reason I think that abortion should be legal for all women, however, abortion should be only under some circumstances because We don't forget that under each pregnant exist a future life. For example, the pregnant due to rape, or when the fetus has a congenital malformation and he has little life probability.

I consider that a baby is formed and is now human when he born because in that moment the baby can recognize the world and when the baby receive stimulus his brain begin to develop the reasoning capacity. I think that when the baby is formed and is now human, in that moment the baby is a legal person with all rights although the baby can not claim for their rights.

The problem in the abortions is that some women are irresponsible, and the girls also can give to birth. For this reason I consider that parental consider should be required for abortion for womer under twenty one years old. However, I think that the religious precepts not should be considered to make laws on abortion because I think that we are in other age and it not have relation with the present.

In overview I think that the abortion should be legalized.